My husband and I just bought a house on a quaint, 1950's,
cul de sac. One of the benefits of the house is its secluded spot in the neighborhood-- a safe spot to play for children we
dont have yet.
Children in our neighborhood use our street as the park. This is, of course, adorable and wholesome. This is the kind of America you don't think exists anymore-- now that there is too much to worry about. I picture myself in apron, baking apple pie, and calling my children in from a game of tag some day.
However, today, childless and as a neurotic wife, I also see a serious downside to living on the
cul de sac-- tiny children that aren't always car-height and
dont always pay attention.
I am vigilant in making sure the street is clear of kids before I pull in or out. When I back out, I check behind the car first for "hide and seekers." Even though the parents are almost always in the street to corral them, I always count the number of kids, and keep constant track as I back out. Coming home, I come to a complete stop - the kind that would make a driver's ed instructor proud, before turning onto the circle.
On his way home from work, my husband often receives this call, "Drive super carefully; children are riding scooters in the street and one keeps falling off." Or, "I count six kids. Make sure you account for all of them before you pull in."
I am sure I will be less neurotic when it's my kid and I am out there watching them, but right now, living on a
cul de sac seems more nerve-wracking than living on a parkway.