Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Under Water and Dreaming

My friend and I head into the GAP dressing room to try on overalls. As we walk into the stalls, we are suddenly under water. Then my friend is eaten by a shark.

This was the dream I had over and over again when graduating from high school. I had the same dream when graduating from college. Admittedly by the time I graduated college overalls were hopelessly out of style.

This is an anxiety dream, and according to the ocean or any tumultuous water can represent uncertainty and an inability to completely control events.

I have had anxiety dreams before getting engaged and again while house hunting. My anxiety dreams are still about the water, although thankfully the overalls are gone. Typically a massive ocean wave separates me from a group of loved ones.

Right now my husband and I are in a blissful lull. We're enjoying life before we take the next big step. With the exception of a small thing I like to refer to as the global economic collapse, there has not been much for me to truly obsess over. But, I am a neurotic wife, and worrying comes naturally to me. So I have managed to take on my friends' worries and have anxious dreams on their behalf.

One of my friends and her husband put an offer on a house Saturday; and we met them for dinner that evening . She wants to be settled in a home and nest, and she had fallen in love with this one house. I could feel her anxiousness as she sweat the offer process. That night I dreamed that a massive flood created a crevice in the earth. As my mom, my friend's husband and I stood on one side of the flood, my friend was alone and helpless on the other side.

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